Computer lab course / Computational Physics - Introduction

Laborübung "arXiv, LaTeX und Konsorten" Bachelor Physik Modul PHY102

Day Time Lecturer Room
Wed 12:15 - 1:45 pm Dr. Helge Todt
Thu 2:15 - 3:45 pm Dr. Helge Todt
Thu 4:15 - 5:45 pm Dr. Martin Wendt


Lectures (PDF):

It is recommended to use an externa PDF viewer (e.g., evince) instead of the builtin one of Firefox:

Firefox → Menu → Preferences → Applications → Portable Document Format (PDF) → evince oder Always ask


  • Detailed informationen about login with SSH and VNC on the computers of the student's computer cluster: login_ssh_vnc_en.pdf

  • Printer mach (b/w, 500 pages = 1 ream per semester) and tolan (color, 100 pages per semester) are back in the Computer lab 1.100.

  • SSH login from remote on the following computers of the student's computer cluster (room 0.087 and room 1.100), in 2nd column is the corresponding SSH fingerprint (ECDSA key SHA256: ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ -l):

    Click: Hosts and fingerprints (all other hosts are currently offline!)
    arco q0MVQJzC7Kn4FYWg36Id7OHoIDQBd4of5Q504+LraLg
    bell njDLsu+7dBbVeG/3nKMVmBvo4ZoUAx/7wlOuwnLh1B8
    berry p8kTdBBsShvS61vlnxjHHas7pbtir9LpLuyHKD2Hv2M
    biot AxDoRaEjaB4YW7XrRTd/4/3CFx83tsyFl7I/X6cdTzc
    bizet 37ypKFZkRLyr46HKdnSay/bR9c4/xskyZK1u6i25Jto
    bloch NlwZVDWW/I/lzCrUk9DPMT2jKTWrM0SQYkN6+WBPg48
    bode vpqlrTKglnrN6XMT9bhjj5O6fSbvNX4/RQZMlHxWI0E
    bohr Bl898SQHzJgffS3lm5ZXAEU7R8E5dKGaEdXDQ6z4QwM
    born 1AQIuzby3ptWdhkNKfFavC2sdgyHHlNrTp07Jk/h+1g
    brahms r6GvvrKBZ88V4nlQcNi6ZXH893slZeFxhA0hfnsas1k
    chopin N047O0J5r1BA8Sb86sgcyBgaXy5IEIlfkh1bQAoZO7c
    grieg YweCzKFnbyJDLOU9AwPtUqGgHSypIW+xeJRv55ECyss
    hahn +Rqo9jE2j5xCmbDEFL8DZtD/soUjwRQbkqbD/fbIVFQ
    haydn 3Tc/kiSkL9Pd4E6ZmS6ViggpRGJlut9oBLqo1Jriklo
    joule 7pflA9/xvUnpnKQ9HmPy1zN8FP7Gl13T9kfFHebMc3I
    liszt aSwesPlZDmXneSMXJx9Fc/0+KQzchcLgSejFqap36PM
    mahler K6Ztm5+NJl34umuG/DQYfpF0FxmFa1fvOIk+0gxLdLc
    mozart UP1KK8KjedvZkHm6A18YkPDuXSim4pvykUg3DUvAQ68
    niels blMC8e5wrWTFdNBghbabIG06ih9Cq34It8R0DV173R8
    ohm seuMgQcNQXYSKKBXi5S/169lEeiynKoyfvVK/44DBTc
    orff 0To8/wBzf7YcSWnbShn56hJ7knAr49v18v9ZtBeXZy0
    ravel RkQeSpIyN3qDq1pYVecX0ijw6nbzut4cbdgjfKkb0Qo
    schubert EOIy9CDDkO3tq6adB3iZm4rb5TnWrZtdjz2/S+IzSGA
    tesla lphOeNtMub8emXqR8POHeA77wMnzBKGYE9/XjsDbyOw
    wagner 3iaXeF3ivjWEeCMAnMhRvxUWmFFobGB4axv3BnnzelQ
    weber tf7haDJExdFYUBd6dzoER0eGI5vd+QtyrGkW0qXsuQk

    For example (graphic X11 login with -Y):

    ssh -Y

    Linux/Unix and macOS support SSH + X11 (if necessary install XQuartz under macOS) natively.

    For Windows:
    SSH client without graphic X11 support: PuTTY
    SSH client with graphic X11 support: MobaXterm

    If the own router or internet provider blocks the ssh port 22: The host weber allows ssh connections also via port 443

    ssh -p 443

  • Moreover, you can access the computers remotely with an Virtual Network Computing (VNC) client: see above

  • Some useful links:

    gnuplot homepage (examples, documentation, program download)

    Deutsche Anwendervereinigung TeX (Alles rund um TeX/LaTeX)

    dummy text generator (for LaTeX examples)

    PSTricks User Group with many examples

    List of all (formula) symbols in LaTeX

  • LaTeX distributions, - editors and development envirionments:

    LaTeX under macOS, e.g., with TeXLive: installation via MacPorts

    oder MacTeX (LaTeX for macOS)

    or TeXShop (editor, belongs to MacTeX)

    LaTeX under Windows, e.g., with:

    MiKTeX (LaTeX for Windows)

    TeXnicCenter (editor with interface for MiKTeX)

    LaTeX under Linux: usually as texlive packages installable

    Editors: many editors offer special support for LaTeX, e.g., Texmaker (Window, Linux, macOS), Kile (Linux), etc.

    Online-/browserbased LaTeX editor with environment: Overleaf very popular,but :
    Advantages/Disadvantages , Prices/free version

  • Linux can be installed on a free partition on any computer. For the cluster we use openSUSE:

    openSUSE homepage

  • Instead of installating Linux, one can also execute it in a virtual machine, e.g., under Windows in VirtualBox:

    VirtualBox for Windows

    Ready-to-use disk images of SusSE-Linux for VirtualBox:

    OpenSuSE Disk Images

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