Details of the SMC OB models

The main parameters of this grid are the stellar temperature T and the surface gravity ggrav. The resolution of the stellar temperature is 1 kK, while it is 0.2 dex for the surface gravity. The luminosities are derived from the stellar evolution models published by Brott et al. (2011). The terminal wind velocity v is derived from the escape velocity, accounting for a metallicity scaling of (Z/Z)0.13 (Leitherer et al. 1992). The models are calculated for log Q values (Q = M (R v)-3/2) of -13.0 and -12.0. A clumping of D=10 is assumed. The clumping starts at the sonic point and increases outwards until a stellar radius of R = 10 R.

The abundances of C, N, O, Mg, Si, and Fe are obtained from Trundle et al. (2007). The abundances of the other elements are taken from the TMAP abundance list and subsequently scaled with a factor of 1/7 (corresponding to Zsmc/Z).

Summary of the model atoms:

IonNo. of levels
H I 22
H II 1
He I 35
He II 26
He III 1
N I 10
N II 38
N III 56
N IV 38
N V 20
N VI 14
C I 15
C II 32
C III 40
C IV 25
C V 29
C VI 1
IonNo. of levels
O I 13
O II 37
O III 33
O IV 29
O V 36
O VI 16
O VII 15
S III 23
S IV 11
S V 10
S VI 1
Mg I 1
Mg II 32
Mg III 43
Mg IV 17
Mg V 20
Si I 20
IonNo. of levels
Si II 20
Si III 24
Si IV 23
Si V 1
P IV 12
P V 11
P VI 1
G I 1
G II 3
G III 13
G IV 18
G V 22
G VI 29
G VII 19
G IX 15
G X 1

Notes: Element "G" stands for the generic iron-group element, which combines the elements from Sc to Ni in solar relative mixture. In case of the "G" element, the number of levels given in the above table actually refers to superlevels.

Contour plots

Original web interface developed by Daniel M. Hamann and Wolf-Rainer Hamann in 2004. PHP-based rework by Andreas Sander (2016).
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