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Simulation of a line driven wind from an accretion disk

If you want to read three papers on hydrodynamics of line driven winds, my recommendations are

  1. Castor, Abbott, and Klein, 1975, Radiation-driven winds in Of stars , Astrophysical Journal, 195, 157
    (Tough reading, but it's all there)

  2. Owocki and Rybicki, 1986, Instabilities in line-driven stellar winds. III. Wave propagation in the case of pure line absorption , Astrophysical Journal, 309, 127
    (For the mathematical surprises encountered for wave propagation in unstable media)

  3. Blondin, Kallman, Fryxell, and Taam, 1990, Hydrodynamic simulations of stellar wind disruption by a compact X-ray source , Astrophysical Journal, 356, 591
    (For what are probably still the most impressive images from a 2-D wind simulation)