PoWR - SMC-OB-II model icoPoWR.ico: data selection

Parameters of selected model:

T [kK]0
log g [cgs]0.0
log L [L]0.00
log M [M/yr]0.00
v [km/s]0
R [R] 0.0
[ show more details ]
v [km/s]0
T2/3 [kK]0
R2/3 [R] 0.0
M [M] 0.0
log Rt [R]-INF
log Q [cgs]0.00
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Warning: Extracting data from the whole grid may take considerable time and might create a big amount of data.
Colors & ionizing photons
Photometric quantities for the model spectrum: the number of ionizing photons for the H I, He I, and He II ionization edges, respectively; Zanstra temperatures for H I and He II; absolute monochromatic magnitudes u, b, v (defined by Smith 1968) and r (Massey 1984) as seen in the standard distance of 10pc.


Show or download a table with the grid of radial points and various radius-dependent quantities (optical depth, electron density, expansion velocity, etc.) for the selected atmosphere model.

Spectral data

Provides the flux over the whole spectrum, including the lines, but degraded to a coarse wavelength grid.
The detailed line spectrum in high resolution, normalized to the continuum.
The detailed line spectrum in high resolution, given as log Fλ at 10pc distance
in units of erg cm-2 s-1-1
Original web interface developed by Daniel M. Hamann and Wolf-Rainer Hamann in 2004. PHP-based rework by Andreas Sander (2016).
In case of problems with the PoWR website please contact Wolf-Rainer Hamann (wrh@astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de).
Astrophysics at the University of Potsdam -- University of Potsdam -- Imprint